Chronic Beryllium Disease Awareness, What is CBD?

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What is C.B.D.?

CBD and Sarcoidosis

Chronic Beryllium Disease

(CBD) is an inflammation and a scarring of the lungs caused by inhalation of beryllium dust or vapors. The clinical features of CBD are similar to many other chronic lung diseases in that the disease restricts the normal function of the lungs. Shortness of breath and coughing are the most common symptoms of CBD. In many instances, it is difficult to differentiate CBD from pulmonary sarcoidosis since the two conditions have very similar clinical, pathological and radiological features.

The diagnosis of CBD centers upon symptoms and the ability of the clinician to obtain a detailed work history confirming exposure to beryllium dust or vapor, as well as his or her acquaintance with industries and occupations where beryllium metal or compounds are used. In addition, a laboratory blood test (BeLPT (beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test)) may be used to determine a patient's immune sensitization to beryllium. Other diagnostic tests, including pulmonary function testing, chest x-ray or CT scan, and diagnostic bronchoscopy with biopsy and lavage (lung washing) will also assist arriving at the correct diagnosis.

What is Sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease of unknown cause characterized by the formation of tiny grain- like lumps called granulomas, which most often appear in the lungs or lymph nodes. Sarcoidosis often affects the skin, eyes or liver.

More information about the disease can be found at:

Overview Sarcoidosis

Symptom of Sarcoidosis

Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis

Treatment of Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis Lifestyle Management


On September 4, 2008, the DEEOIC issued the EEOICPA Circular NO. 08-07. The bulletin contained information explaining to DEEOIC staff that a diagnosis of sarcoidosis may not be medically appropriate when there is a documented history of beryllium exposure. Rather, in these situations, the assigned staff person may consider a diagnosis of sarcoidosis as chronic beryllium disease so long as certain diagnostic criteria are satisfied.

See also Chapter 2-1000 Eligibility Criteria for Non-Cancerous Conditions

Image of the element and peridic table entry for beryllium